26 Giugno, 2018 in Digital Creativity, Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Heritage and Digital Creativity, news2018, Semantic based analysis and annotation of dramatic items, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies Ontology Drammar published on Permanent URL
26 Giugno, 2018 in Digital Cultural Heritage, news2018, Semantic based analysis and annotation of dramatic items, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies Paper accepted at ISWC 2018
17 Novembre, 2016 in news2016, newsAll, Semantic based analysis and annotation of dramatic items, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies Full Paper at ICIDS 2016 Los Angeles
01 Febbraio, 2016 in Digital Cultural Heritage, news2016, newsAll, Semantic based analysis and annotation of dramatic items, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies, Senza categoria Published on JOCCH: Safeguarding and Accessing Drama as Intangible Cultural Heritage
12 Marzo, 2015 in news2015, newsAll, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies, Techniques for automatic data visualization CIRMA @ IVAPP 2015
09 Marzo, 2015 in Digital Creativity, Digital Heritage and Digital Creativity, news2015, newsAll, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies ASED project founded
27 Giugno, 2014 in Digital Heritage and Digital Creativity, news2014, newsAll, Semantic based analysis and annotation of dramatic items, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies, Techniques for automatic data visualization Paper in press: “Multimedia tool suite for the visualization of drama heritage metadata”
07 Dicembre, 2013 in news2013, newsAll, Semantic description of the digital item by computational ontologies The annotation of the audiovisual archives: major issues and perspectives