
Drammar is the first extensive ontology on drama and storytelling that covers whatever is intended as a dramatic quality, as demonstrated by the thorough analysis produced by the wiki.
The wiki analyzes a vast literature on drama and composes a number of statements that have been translated into proto-axioms (i.e., axioms expressed in a controlled natural language) and then to formal axioms.
These were validated by the drama experts and can be possibly corrected and updated in case of errors and inconsistencies.
The wiki can be used for successive extensions of the resource.

Drammar addresses the dramatic qualities, that is those elements that are necessary for the existence of a drama, shared by a number of analyses of drama scholarship. Such elements, namely story units, characters or agents, actions, intentions or plans, goals, conflicts, values at stake, and emotions are partially taken into account in a number of annotation projects, where media chunks (e.g., text paragraphs, video segments, etc.) are annotated for the sake of studying the relationships between the linguistic expressions and the drama content.
The ontology is expressed as a set of logical specifications of classes and properties of the ontological language, which has been designed as part of the Semantic Web project and allows conceptual models to be described in an unambiguous way, open to understanding and manipulation by both human users and software programs.
The concepts and relations of the ontology Drammar are written in OWL DL; the extension is encoded into OWL2 RL (Rule Language).
The classes and properties of the Drammar ontology provide a formalized model of the dramatic elements, directly expressible in OWL, namely Action, Agent, Drama Structure, Conflict, and the resulting Emotion.
Drammar also includes classes that are intended as an interface between the drama domain concepts and the linguistic and commonsense types of knowledge.
Ontology Drammar is available under the license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
The canonical citation for Drammar is “Vincenzo Lombardo, Rossana Damiano, Antonio Pizzo. Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama (2018)”.

A Drammar ontology documentation is also available in the form of a LODE OWL page (in line with W3C CSSs for Recommendation documents).

Drama annotation is the process of annotating the metadata of a drama. Initiative POP-ODE (POPulating Ontology Drama Encodings) relies on a web–based system, that provides a friendly interface to the dramatic qualities of a text. POP-ODE consists of a pipeline and a number of tools for the accomplishment of the annotation task of metadata for dramatic texts. The metadata are defined through an annotation schema that descends from Drammar. The final result can be visualized through a graphic interface.